on [generative] A.i.

Tl;dr: each of us needs to create a machine that learns, strategizes, & acts in the way we aspire to.

I was recently beaten, literally, and left for dead.  (I don't fault them for why they felt the need to rob me but I do take issue with how they went about acting on their needs in our so-called economic "recovery".  I've been in numerous car accidents, half of which I was on bicycle.  Etc., etc...).

What always hurts the most is when I encounter someone who hasn't learned how to learn, especially if they've been paying for her/his/their education. "What does this individual aspire to live for," I tend to wonder. "Who does this person look to as mentors?  Who is this person mentoring, leading, guiding, & truly helping?"

What I'm framing is nothing new but, in case it helps as a reminder on individual comportment, this is another reason why individuals & entities must to be able to train their own "artificial" intelligences.